

Fibenol is an Estonian cleantech pioneer committed to transforming the material and chemical industry towards sustainability. Our groundbreaking wood valorization pre-treatment process, Sunburst, transforms over 90% of residual and low-quality hardwood into novel biomaterials – lignin, wood sugars, and specialty cellulose – produced in our flagship plant following zero-waste principles. These renewable bio-based raw materials replace fossil-based chemicals, supporting the defossilization of material and chemical industry. Our low-carbon solutions are used in various applications, from construction materials, cosmetics to biocomposites and platform chemicals.

Key persons involved in NEXT-STEP

Nikki Sjulander

Nikki Sjulander is a Cellulosic Sugars Technical Sales Engineer at Fibenol. He previously researched converting lignocellulosic biomass into valuable biochemicals and biomaterials at the Estonian University of Life Sciences. In spring 2024, Nikki completed his PhD, focusing on the chemical-free pretreatment of agricultural and forestry residues.
